Traditional Japanese Bathhouses! Sento


About Sento

Tokyo still has many public bathhouses, or "sento," where countless people relax daily. This uniquely Japanese experience, often depicted in movies, anime, and manga, is known worldwide. Why do the Japanese love sento? These bathhouses offer a deep sense of relaxation not found at home and serve as a cherished community hub for socializing.

About Sento

The "Foreign Visitors WELCOME! SENTO" campaign makes it easy for visitors to enjoy sento culture. Look for bathhouses with "WELCOME! SENTO" noren curtains, as these offer multilingual support, cashless payments, and other amenities. Come experience the charm of Tokyo's public bathhouses for yourself!



TOKYO Sento Coupon for Tourists

Flyers with discount coupons for Tokyo public bathhouses will be available at select accommodations across the city.

How to get your coupon:
Pick up a flyer with coupons at participating accommodations.

  • 対象の宿泊施設でクーポン付きリーフレットをGET!

    Pick up a flyer with a coupon at select accommodations.

  • リーフレットをもってクーポンの利用可能銭湯へGO!!

    Visit any participating public bathhouse,with a flyer.

  • 銭湯のスタッフにリーフレットを提示してください。入浴料550円が300円で利用できます!!

    Would like to use the coupon


    Present the flyer to the bathhouse staff and enjoy the bathhouse for only 300 yen, instead of the regular 550 yen!!!


Facilities available

Foreign Visitors WELCOME! SENTO


54 bathhouses welcoming foreign visitors!

Limited-time offer only foreign tourists

Get an original tenugui towel!

Look for bathhouses with "WELCOME! SENTO" noren curtains, as these offer multilingual support, cashless payments, and other amenities.
Present a coupon at any of the 54 public bathhouses participating in the "Foreign Visitors WELCOME! SENTO" campaign and complete a short survey to receive a free tenugui towel, while supplies last.

*Note: Towels are limited, and the offer ends once supplies run out.



Special Column

  • Special Column

    Discover Tokyo’s Best-Kept Secret: The Allure of Sento Baths

    Japanese people have a unique love for bathing. A survey of about 8,000 Japanese people showed that over 95% enjoy taking baths. Plus, more than 95% of Japanese homes have bathtubs, and around 80% use them daily.


  • Special Column

    What’s Tokyo’s Bathhouse Culture Like? Guide Shares Quirky Traditional Edo-Era Sento and Modern Spa Experience

    A "sento" is a Japanese public bathhouse. For those who enjoy manga and anime, you might remember scenes where the main character and their friends relax together in a large public bath. Chances are they were at a sento.


  • Special Column

    What kind of a place is a sento? How useful are sento for our health?

    A sento was originally a public bathhouse for people that did not have a bath at home. The number of sentos has declined since Showa 40 (1965) as the number of homes with baths increased. Now we are in the Reiwa Era (2019~) and times have changed.



How to pay

The entrance fee for all public bathhouses in Tokyo is 550 yen.

*Note: Additional charges may apply for renting towels, soap, or shampoo. Please check with the bathhouse for details.

  • クレジットカード決済

    Credit card

  • 交通系IC

    Transportation IC card

  • 現金


*Payment options may vary by facility, so please confirm on-site.


Manners in Public Baths

Here’s a guide to the essential manners to follow at public bathhouses.

  • 脱衣場、浴室では、スマートフォンなどすべての電子機器が使用禁止です。

    Do not use your smartphone and all the other electronic devices in bathing and changing rooms.

  • 脱いだ服や貴重品はロッカーへいれてください。貴重品はご自身で管理してください。浴室での水着、下着の着用は禁止です。

    Please place your clothes and valuables in the locker. Please take care of your valuables by yourself.No swimwear or underwear are allowed in the bathing room.

  • ロッカーキーを腕・足につけてください。タオルを持って浴室にいってください。

    Take the locker key and put it on your wrist or ankle.Please make sure you have it and your towel with you at all times.

  • 桶・椅子を持って、空いているところに座ってください。使い終わったら、桶・椅子を戻してください。

    Grab a wash basin and stool, find an unoccupied shower, and sit down.Return the wash basin and stool to their original location after use.

  • 湯船に入る前に体を洗い、体や髪の毛の泡はしっかり流してから浴槽につかってください。

    Wash yourself well and thoroughly rinse the foam and hair from your body before getting in the bathtub.

  • タオルや髪の毛は湯船につけないようにしてください。

    Keep your towel and your long hair out of the bathtub.

  • 大声で騒がないようにしてください。浴室で洗濯はしないでください。

    Please keep your voice down.Do not wash your clothes or underwear in the bathing room.

  • 脱衣場に戻る前にタオルで体を軽く拭いてください。

    Wipe yourself lightly with your wash-towel before returning to the changing room.

Share your feedback and
suggestions here

(*While we cannot respond to individual inquiries, your feedback will be considered for future improvements.)
